Hull Length 3.04m
Beam 1.28m
Hull weight 45kg
Mainsail 3.7m sq
High performance mainsail 5.1m sq
Design a small boat just for training, design it to be the very best 10ft training dinghy in the world. Visit 35 Sailing Clubs and Sailing Centres to find out their requirements for a training boat, visit Holiday Sailing Schools and get their list of requirements then combine together and produce a list of priorities to be achieved from the new boat.
Employ the best Naval Architect in the UK, Phil Morrison and back that up with an unlimited budget. From our research the same priority list was repeated time and time again by many of the Training Centres.
What came back was they wanted a STABLE boat that gives confidence to any novice sailor with comfortable seating, plenty of leg room, a dry cockpit, high boom, an easy to reef sail and a boat that that would handle well in big seas.
Help us with capsize training, make it hard to invert and easy to get back up by a novice, make the boat sail like a normal boat but the sailor has to balance the boat however when it gets to the point of normal capsize it stops, it gives that extra stability to a novice sailor and in turn, confidence and the desire to come back and learn more and, above all comes off the water with a smile.
Give us a boat that we can maximise the return from our investment. Make it sailable from a 4-year-old or with an adult when learning to sail or two youths. Ensure it is not a heavy boat to handle but it must last the rigours of time.
The Hartley 10 is sailed by many Training Centres and Sailing Schools throughout the UK and is used by many of the leading holiday companies, we export the H10 to many countries throughout the world. Make the boat last the rigours of time, we have, and to endorse that we are the only manufacturer that offers a 4-year guarantee on all our rotor boats.
We are proud to say that all the benefits plus more have been achieved, we believe the H10 sailing dinghy is the most stable boat in the world.
When we sell a new boat, Hartley Boats likes to complete a full boat handover. Not only to ensure our customer understands how to rig their new boat but most importantly that they get the best from their new investment and enjoy sailing the boat and come off the water wanting to return and sail again.
We at Hartley Boats are very proud of our standards and build quality, to demonstrate that statement we are the only manufacturer to offer a 4-year guarantee.